Akron Porcelain & Plastics History
Five Generations help to build Akron Porcelain & Plastics

The people at Akron Porcelain & Plastics, which is one of the city’s oldest companies, understand that 125 years of business is no small feat. But when the company’s 100 employees and their guests gather to commemorate the anniversary in August, they don’t expect an extravagant celebration. Rather, Akron Porcelain & Plastics will hold a modest picnic to reflect on its history and so that employees can enjoy some quality time with coworkers.
“We are kind of low key,” company president David Lewis said. “We don’t beat our drums a lot.”
Lewis is the fifth-generation leader of the Akron Porcelain & Plastics. When his great-great grandfather, F.W. Butler Sr., started the Akron Smoking Pipe Co. in 1890, the company manufactured clay pipes before switching to electrical insulators at the turn of the 20th century. The business finally moved into plastics by the 1950s.
Read more of this article in Crain Cleveland Business
Akron Porcelain & Plastics Co History Book
The concept of History- sometimes it is muddled and sometimes it baffles the reader. Often the record is slanted and often it is not studied to avoid making the same mistake. In our case, the history is clear and has defined the Akron Porcelain & Plastics Company. Our performance, our ethics, our desire to provide sustenance and growth for our employees through 133 years – all of this has been molded by our history and we invite you to take a look at who we are, where we have been, and what we have achieved. Our purpose has and will continue to be the satisfaction of our customers and providing a stable environment for our employees with profitable growth.
Please enjoy taking a look.
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